Ezra chose Maul on Malachor, but he's still conflicted. All Rights Reserved. Check out more of our Sci-Fi coverage or visit our TV Guide . The Toy Maker mused. Ezra is a S Ezra Bridger became the apprentice of Maul after The Ghost crew left him on Lothal for his own good. Hiding from the Empire, and making the Rebel movement less trackable. When Hera assigned Sabine an undercover mission to infiltrate the Academy disguised as a cadet, Ezra asked why he was not involved in the mission. Ahsoka makes an unexpected return from Malachor but just as she returns, Rebel cells across the galaxy are taking heavy fire from the Empire and Kanan can't help but wonder if Ahsoka is filling Vader and the rest of the Empire with knowledge of secret rebel bases. Will they ask Kanan and Ezra are on Coruscant looking for a cure for a mysterious illness that is afflicting the small towns of Lothal. But I'm not telling you, your impatience proves that you'll only make the same mistakes you did in my timeline" he looks around the room and sees a few of the council members looking down. With Hera's cover blown, Ezra tried to shoot Thrawn. The rebels decided to find Saxon's ship in order to get off-world. At that point, Chopper emerged and activated the explosives under Hera's orders. When Yoda asked him why Ezra should become a Jedi, he claimed it would allow him to become powerful enough to make the Empire suffer for everything it had done to him. Will Ezra care about Sabine and say the way he feels about her? There, Zeb and Chopper stayed behind at the spaceport to search for any sign of the Inquisitors while Ezra and Kanan investigated the housing unit revealed to be the home of an Ithorian named Oora, who had already sent her infant son Pypey into hiding with a courier droid as soon as the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister showed up and ransacked the home searching for him. Ezra then claimed that he was Lando. Fortunately for Ezra and the other Ghost crew, they were quickly joined by the Phoenix, which was carrying the B-Wing on its back. Instructed by Gron to assemble his bo-rifle in the way the ancient Lasan Honor Guard once did to interact with Chava's staff, to Ezra's amazement, Zeb used the tip to create a surge of electricity on a map of the galaxy activated by Chopper, that pointed to an uncharted world in Wild Space. Ezra managed to bluff his way past the Imperial sentries by posing as a Scout Trooper taking a captured rebel into Imperial custody. Star Wars Rebels uma srie de desenho animado americana produzida em CGI pela Lucasfilm e a Lucasfilm Animation. As the hall disappeared and replaced by a vision of countless stars, a kyber crystal appeared from nowhere and landed gently in Ezra's hands, representing a big step in his Jedi training. Despite Ahsoka's warnings, Ezra touched one of the monoliths, causing the Jedi to slide into an underground cavern. She showed Ezra a holographic recording of her master Anakin Skywalker, who was exceptionally skilled in lightsaber combat. Following a struggle, Ezra damaged the Commando's jetpack, causing him to fall to the ground. As Ezra fled the city an Imperial TIE Fighter joined the chase destroying the speeder he was riding. Ezra and Kanan learned that Ryder's cell was sabotaging vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory. Thrawn growls in pain and rage. Fenn later arrived at the camp with supplies and outfitted Sabine with Mandalorian Vambraces. Only the plot and After Kanan and Ezra returned from Malachor everything was different, especially Ezra. Sakurablossem3 and ChaoticEpicCat He was given the option to join their Rebellion, and learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi. One of the pursuing Scout Troopers followed them but Zeb knocked him out. In a manner of minutes, the Phantom is gone. Caution: May or may not cause uncontrollable laughter. (Currently finished), Ch2 (A Lasat Vers1 - P1) - The Bridgers were travelling outside their homeworld of Lasan when the Empire arrived, so when his parents were murdered for rebelling, Ezra assumed he was the only Lasat left. Ezra tried to pull his head out of her grip, but her grip only tightened. With the Empire now alerted to their presence on Seelos, the rebels made preparations to leave. * (Will be continued), Ch3 (A Lasat Vers2 - P1) - After hearing about a Jedi and a Lasat stealing crates from the Capital, Ezra makes it his mission to find them. When Ezra related his vision to Kanan, his mentor told him that the Jedi believed that life did not end with death but merely changed form. During their job run, Ezra quickly took a dislike for Lando after the took interest in purchasing Sabine's art. While trying to fly their way back to the Ghost, Ezra and Zeb came across a farm that had been attacked by Imperials, which Ezra recognized as the home of Morad Sumar, a friend of his parents. The Ghost crew eventually received word about Hera and Sabine's failed mission to seek permission for safe passage through the Concord Dawn system from the system's Protectors. Shortly later, the rebels were contacted by Hera. Ezra Bridger (left) and Grand Admiral Thrawn (right) in 'Star Wars Rebels'. Ezra managed to levitate the droid above the light using the Force before letting him go and allowing Zeb to catch him. When Hera had to be hospitalized, Ezra did his best to comfort Sabine when she started blaming herself for their friend's injuries and vowed to seek justice against the Protectors. At the time, Ezra was upset because Kanan was no longer going to train him and instead dump him onto Luminara. Though Gina Carano will not be returning to reprise her role of Cara Dune, fans are hoping to learn more about what became of the character. I do not own Star Wars Rebels!!! Only the plot and Oc's!!!! The rebels continued on to the exit but Terba broke away from the company and ran ahead. Frightened, the cat led the two Jedi on a wild pursuit through the city streets, with Ezra using the Force to leap over buildings. Ezra Bridger was born on the planet Lothal to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, on the day the Galactic Empire was established under the rule of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. The Jedi reluctantly acceded to his demands and made preparations to retrieve the Sith holocron, which was in the care of Bendu; a powerful Force-wielder who had befriended Kanan. There, Thrawn examined the Kalikori and determined that Hera was Cham's daughter and a rebel operative. Theres no way you can believe that you will see your loved ones, again.. Eventually, they manage to get the ship to face away from the black hole, but it is still steadily drawing them in, and the ship isn't strong enough to stop it. Convinced by Bossk, he accompanied the Trandoshan to Monad Outpost during Gladiator Night, where they faced Jenkes. Some time later, after a Star Destroyer flew over Capital City, Ezra traveled there on his speeder and witnessed three rebels, consisting of Kanan Jarrus, Zeb Orrelios, and Sabine Wren, attack a group of Imperials in an attempt to steal several speeders carryingcrates. As they ventured deeper, Ezra took the opportunity to apologize for the recent troubles but Kanan assured his apprentice that it was not his fault. Maul, once again, attempted to recruit Ezra as his apprentice by claiming that their destiny was linked to the planet with the twin suns. One day, at the Capital City spaceport, Ezra was selling tickets for a Gladiator Night match between a Houk named Borbig Drob and a Feeorin named Warjak when Moreena came by and told him that she and her family were leaving for Alderaan to live with her grandmother due to the Empire, and bade farewell to him. The Fifth Brother declined to respond. When the Rebellion began suffering a fuel crisis, the Ghost crew was sent to retrieve a refining fuel meant for the Empire from a mining organization known as the Mining Guild, which was enough shipment to fuel the rebel fleet for a full cycle. It was simple really. This encouragement helped the Lasat to overcome his guilt and participate in the ritual, where it was revealed that he was the child. Obviously he hadn't expected that. As Imperial reinforcements moved in, Hera tried to reason with her father, but Cham remained unconvinced until his daughter she reminded him how he was an inspiration to herself and the people of Ryloth, but she was fighting for everyone in the galaxy besides her own people. There was no point dreaming of the impossible ; Ezra imagined the tranquility of death, instead. Unsatisfied, Saxon continued the interrogation and forced Ezra to reveal that Rau had sent him. Ezra says Kanan told him that Anakin was the greatest warrior the Jedi Order had during the Clone Wars, and that he has been studying Anakin's holocron recordings in order to become a better duelist. Ezra also seems to be more welcome to new people joining the Rebellion. Can the rebels make Ezra question his loyalty to the Inquisitors, or is he too engrossed by darkness to change? After landing on Geonosis, Ezra accompanied Rex, Kanan, and Chopper as they searched a Geonosian structure where Saw had last transmitted a signal to Rebel Command. While Kanan guided the clones in their AT-TE, Ezra used the walker's main cannon to destroy one of the AT-ATs with one blast to the neck. Yoda responded that the real question was how a Jedi should choose to win, to which the teenage Jedi responded that they already chose to fight. Aboard the Chimera, Ezra found part of the Lothal Jedi Temple, which had been removed from the main structure, and a hologram of the Emperor. And then there's her close friend Wedge. Traveling to Krownest, Ezra informed Clan Wren of the situation, but was informed that they were currently embroiled in the Mandalorian Civil War against Clan Saxon. When Hondo arrived with the Ugnaughts, the pirate told Ezra that he would guard the Imperial landing craft there in case they needed a quick escape. This surprised the boy, but Yoda counseled him that it was a lifelong challenge to prevent fear from bending into anger. The two were quickly bathed in a bright pink blaze of light. He assisted the Rebels in their rescue mission and released the Wookiees, but they were soon ambushed by the Imperials. Following a brief struggle, the four rebels escaped with the medical supplies and back to the rebel fleet. Much to his reluctance, Ezra was asked to surrender his lightsaber, only acquiescing after Sabine assured him that nothing would happen to it. and ordered to deliver him to the Havoc Station. Chopper then entered the cell to inform them of Cham's offer to surrender. The TIES chased the ship around the construction module and were shot down one at a time. Hera finally agreed to disclose what Tseebo had told her about Ezra's parents: his parents were alive but were imprisoned within the vast network of Imperial prisons that spanned the galaxy. The Mandalorian returns to Disney Plus on Wednesday 1st March sign up to Disney Plus now for 79.90 for a year or 7.99 a month. The boy had the potential to make a fine Inquisitor. Ezra insisted on Maul going ahead and the potion caused their eyes to turn green and shoot beams of light. The ghost crew go on a supply run. The InBESTigators are now teenagers. Together with the Purrgil herd, Ezra came to his fellow rebels' rescue from the Mining Guild and their leader, Yushyn, covering them by using his lightsaber to destroy the TIE fighters while riding the Purrgil King. Vader was able to destroy the squadron's command ship, Phoenix Home, forcing the crew aboard to retreat in escape pods to the remaining ships as they fled into hyperspace, but the Ghost crew managed to escape before getting caught in a waiting Star Destroyer's tractor beam. Ezra eavesdropped on a meeting between his master, Hera and Commander Sato, in which Sato suggested to solve both problems, and brought up a report from a cell of Twi'lek rebels on the planet Ryloth about an Imperial carrier orbiting their homeworld. An argument quickly broke out between Padawan and Master when Kanan reprimanded his apprentice for dabbling with the Sith holocron, and proceeded to take the device. Later that night, Ezra apologized to Kanan for using the Sith holocron. Years later, with the Rebellion victorious, Sabine and Ahsoka acted on Ezra's parting words and set out to find him. Zeb was despondent because he could not come along and had to stay behind with Chopper and AP-5. Dropping down from the Phantom with Leia in tow, Ezra and Kanan took on Lyste and his men while the other rebels unlocked two of the secured ships and took off in them, knocking the supply master out cold. With Rex taking the lead, Ezra and Kanan utilized the Sword and Shield maneuver which involved deflecting blaster bolts and hurling grenades at the advancing droid columns. Following the failure of the first attempt which result in the destruction of a rebel transport and the death of the Pheonix leader, the crew of the Ghost embarked on a mission to contact the engineer Quarrie, who lived on Shantipole, which was inaccessible to many spacers. After rebel intelligence received word that theEmpirewas conducting mass construction above Geonosis, the crew accompanied Rex there in hopes of finding information on what weapons the Imperials were building. During her report on Rau though, she suggested destroy the Protectors' Fang Fighters so theyno longer posed a threat to the fleet, since she had tracked them to the third moon of Concord Dawn. Sabine realized that Ezra was right and went to clear her thoughts in the wilderness. When he awoke in his and Zeb's room, Ezra insisted that he was fine and insisted on proceeding with the mission despite Hera and Kanan's worries. Rewritten/Edited by PrinceJai 06/07-29/16. She was prepared to open fire in order to draw them away, but Kananobjected as they could not waste their fire-power and advised to let them pass, but she remained insistent. In the weeks which follow, he retreats into himself, determined to uncover the secrets of the holocron - but in his search for a new weapon, he risks losing a bit of himself in the process. However, this activated the four other Sentry Droids which pursued the recovery team back to the cargo bay. Ezra and Kanan helped Zeb and Chopper back to the Ghost by exchanging fire with their Stormtrooper pursuers. Master and Padawan then engaged him in a lightsaber duel, using each other's lightsabers. "I love you too.". However, a tentacle grabbed it and Ezra discovered that he had been rescued by the Purrgil King. That time has passed. Unfortunately, the crew had no idea they'd been set up, and after Hera pleaded with him to warn the others, Ezra reluctantly boarded the vessel just in time to warn Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine. Ezra also used his new green lightsaber to cut down several Stormtroopers who were blocking their way out. When Maul returned, the two opened the holocrons and brought them together. Upon arrival, Ezra spotted smoke coming from Tarkintown and took off on a speeder bike to check it out, with Kanan following from afar. Ezra is Padawan to Caleb Dume, Hera is a Jedi Consular and Sabine is her Padawan, Zeb is a gruff Jedi Sentinel and Temple Guard. Ezra openly questioned Zeb's decision in the presence of the other team members. Meanwhile, the other rebels staged a diversionary attack in the Tulara Ravine. Star Wars Rebels is an American 3D animated science fiction television series produced by Lucasfilm Animation and set in the Star Wars universe. Unfortunately, Rukh followed them in and sabotaged their efforts, at the same time that Thrawn returned and demanded Ezra's surrender. While approaching the Sith Temple, Ezra and his mentors stumbled upon an ancient battlefield from the Great Scourge of Malachor, littered with fallen lightsabers and the statue-like corpses of the belligerents. Ezra along with Hera and Sabine tried unsuccessfully to convince the freighter's captain Mart Mattin to leave the Mykapo System because the Empire was returning with reinforcements. He was also quite athletic, thanks to his life on the streets, enabling him to use free-running and a skill akin to parkour to weave through obstacles quickly and efficiently. As the Ghost crew stole all the fuel canisters and destroyed the refinery, the teenage Jedi caught up with them and met with Kanan on the ship's roof after the king dropped him off and led its people in departing into hyperspace. Rex agreed and ordered Ezra to carry out the task while he and Kanan provided covering fire. Their ensuing daring escape goes wrong, leaving Ezra in the hands of the Empire all alone. They'll want to talk to you after I show them this" he then walks out of the room. The mission proved problematic, with the captain Seevor proving an elusive and difficult prisoner. starwarsrebels ezra +19 more # 10 The last trooper. "This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Suspecting they must've come from the refinery, the Ghost crew decided track where they originated from so the could find their way there. At the Syndulla House, they rendezvoused with Chopper, who was disguised as an Imperial astromech droid. Ezra suggested flying with them instead of against them, that way they would not get bashed around so much or need to waste their power reserves. With Chopper's help, the two rebels tried to get pass the Stormtrooper sentries at the front door. Kallus easily gained the upper hand, but Ezra saved Zeb by unacknowledged using the Force to throw Kallus far enough to knock him out. Ezra and the others learned that Sabine had spoken out against the Empire for using weapons to enslave Mandalore. By the time the arrived in Ryloth's atmosphere in the TIE bomber being carried by a Twilek rebel ship, the rebels detached and piloted towards the orbiting carrier as it dispatched a squadron of bombers down to the surface. Even though he is slowly turning, there will always be a little spark of light inside him. In the meantime, Kanan was forced to take the helm of the Ghost. When confronted by his comrades, Ezra explained that the Purrgil were connected to the gas, so blowing it up would only hurt them. After Sabine went to talk with her mother in private, Ezra attempted to make conversation with Tristan but ended up looking foolish, leading Kanan to encourage him to leave the talking to the more experienced Jedi. Kanan and Chopper wanted to leave but Ezra and Rex convinced them to continue their mission to find Saw. (Story is better than what the summary says) Every action has a consequence. How did he survive mauls attack? According to Kanan, Ezra has a talent for making connections through the Force, which has enabled him time and again to summon aid from various creatures via the technique of Taming Beasts, including, but not limited to, a Loth-cat, Fyrnocks, the Purrgils, and most recently a Tibidee to help him and Kanan escape the Inquisitors. You cant entirely erase someone and expect them to still be an efficient war dog afterwards; something has to give. Though unlike his first encounter, Ezra managed to hold up against Vader a little longer. "What if I was huh? The two got into an argument about how to proceed with their rescue mission, Ezra left to accompany Chopper on his mission to sabotage the Interdictor's gravity well projectors. Kanan assured Ezra that they would find out together. He told Sabine that while Kanan was not the easiest teacher, he still meant well. ", Ezra smiles at this question; he knew they would ask this. With all the ports locked down and on guard, Ezra and his fellow rebels sneaked into the spaceport at the Imperial Complex to steal a shuttle. Under Kanan's orders, Sabine activated the detonators, but Ezra stopped her from throwing at the gas as they made their way across the bridge and used the Force to throw down a Rodian gunner. After the events on Malachor and after training with the Sith holocron, Ezra developed a more brutal and aggressive fighting style to match his new prowess in combat. Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper succeeded in the latter objective, and Sabine completed the former, allowing the rebels to depart Mandalore. In response, Ezra suggested that Purrgil were ignorant of the damage they were causing. Ezra claimed that things were going well but Hera quickly deduced he had disobeyed his orders. Ezra's eyes open, he quickly grabs his backpack and takes the back way out of his cave. With Chopper, they headed to Section A2 only to discover that Thrawn had stationed sentries there. Together, the two rejoined Kanan, Sato, and the other crew. Instead, she got Chopper to plant explosives all over the building to create a distraction; something that surprised Ezra. The ship and its TIE Interceptor flight partners decimated Gold Squadron, leaving only Ezra and Gold Leader in flight as they tried to get the Ghost through the Archeon Pass. What If: Ezra was found by the Grand Inquisitor instead of the Ghost crew? A tentacle grabs Thrawn and begins to constrict him. In the middle of the fight, he was contacted by Hera, who inquired about the progress of the "recon mission".