Angela, Hi Angela, thank you for the explanation! In France, drivers are legally required to carry a portable Breathalyzer in their vehicle. In the 1950s, the situation got so bad that a law had to be passed against this. Camouflage is only allowed to be worn by the country's military personnel. One of Mexico's most beautiful pueblos also has one of the country's weirdest laws: no kissing in the street. By common law marriage rules in the state, that man and woman would legally be married. Arizona also has a few strange laws related to . Im easy and fluid when it comes to exchanging greetings but I tend to the short and sweet approach and get down to the business at hand such as ordering or paying for something. 21 air conditioning is everywhere. However, in 1966, Victoria, Australia, proved 20 th -century people could be just as miserable as their ancestors by passing anti-kite legislation. Theres no age limit for partying here. They do it in order to let the seat cool down before they sit on it. Aww now I want to go back to Colombia for christmas! (Image: Shutterstock) 2 / 16. Revelers wanting to get their groove on after the clock strikes 12 need to do it in well-lit nightclubs. One day of the year, no personal cars are allowed, people can only use public transportation. 8) Thou shalt not bind thy daughter's feet. Gates in Nevada are used to keep in livestock, and anyone not closing and fastening a gate when outside city limits can receive a fine. Of all of the 12 things listed I can add several more positives and only one serious negative. The typical granny talking to her little dog in a high pitched voice and dressing it like a baby. These weird facts will help you get over the culture shock when you relocate to one of the worlds happiest countries. Because of this, Poland issued a ban on Winnie the Pooh around playgrounds and schools, finding the A.A. Milne character a bit too risqu for the likes of impressionable children. Colombias mafia hired Spanish PR company to erase New initiative will make govt. And the Medellin Guru site previous covered not being on time in an article about Medelln dating tips and advice for foreign men. But the fact that the law exists and that it had to have been made within the past 100 years is fascinating. Colombians have no manners at all. And on the Medellin Guru website we previous looked at the top 5 coffee shops in El Poblado and the top 8 coffee shops in Laureles. This ban includes any DIY projects or household cleaning that produces loud noises. A $110 license is required for teenagers to mow lawns. We don't understand this reasoning, given how Sevilla is a lively town where live music is played in the streets and flamenco dancers put on shows in public spaces. If any person calls a woman a name that suggests she isn't chaste, whether she is married or single, that person can be found guilty of slander. But they are normal for Colombians. Unless the bar or lounge that you're in has a dancing license, it is illegal to move your body to the songs they are playing. And finally may even have a small cup before going to bed. By nature and upbringing Im courteous and social. You can't wake a sleeping bear to take a selfie. Clearly, such obsolete laws are not unique to Colombia. In the event of a locust invasion in India, a male 14 and older must do everything possible to prevent and stop the destruction of the locusts. (Why not, there are a lot of them, right?) Im from Medelln and maybe I can help you with mono meanings. Perhaps there were too many reported cases of intoxicated bee keepers allowing their bees to escape? I have met a few that are very punctual. Skamania County, Washington, passed a law in 1969 deeming the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and. Thanks a lot Charlie! I dont have so much luck when Im asking for directions. Here are 15 of the most bizarre and obscure laws still in effect today: It is illegal for women to drive vehicles while wearing a housecoat in all of California San Diego homeowners who have Christmas lights on their houses past February 2 may be fined up to $250 It is illegal to pour salt on a highway in Hermosa Beach Those who live 5 miles or more from the place where the invasion is occurring must announce it by beating on a drum or another method that alerts the town. Fines will be incurred if men have waists over 33.5 inches or 35.4 inches for women. At coffee shops in Colombia, 3 pm and 7 pm tend to be busier than the early morning. 2. April 20, 2022 We round up some of the weirdest laws around the world, from not allowing your chicken to cross the road or preventing your donkey from sleeping in the bath to never refusing a stranger the use of your bathroom and more. While women across the nations protested, the law is in effect and you can no longer buy lace garments. (I recognized it from wikpedia My favorite is PANDEBONO (Cheese Bread! We know, we know you've been dying to don your suit of armor for a visit to Parliament during your next trip to London. If you don't pick up your dog poop, it may be possible to use DNA testing to determine the identity of your dog. Oh noo!! In Colombia, that just brings the specialness of each day to light! 2. Thankfully this particular law is no longer enforced, and after the governmental body entrusted in targeting antiquated laws is finished, it might not even be documented anymore. The Canadians are a patriotic bunch. You will be surprised how tasty things can be that may sound or look weird. 15 years ago, it was unsafe to leave Colombia's big cites and drive into the countryside or between cities. Also, I have to mention, that the cheese here is not as salty and strong in taste. It's a common assumption for travellers in Colombia that you can get away with almost any crime by simply quietly offering a fistful of banknotes to the arresting officer. In an effort to keep the streets of Barcelona free of beachgoers in bikinis and men going shirtless, lawmakers in the Spanish town on the Mediterranean banned anyone from being topless or in a swimsuit in public anywhere but the beach or a pool. It is illegal to wash your car in the street. Strange laws, also called weird laws, dumb laws, futile laws, unusual laws, unnecessary laws, legal oddities, or legal curiosities, are laws that are perceived to be useless, humorous or obsolete, i.e. You may not spot moose from a plane and hunt them on the same day. Good luck explaining that to the little ones. Due Amici Pizzeria: A Popular Pizzeria in Medelln with Good Pizza, Viva Envigado: A Guide to the Largest Mall in Colombia in Envigado. DON'T TOUCH ELECTRIC WIRES Transport accidents are woefully common in Peru, a country plagued by careless drivers and poor road conditions. Their love to cheese goes so far, that they put it nearly on and in almost everything. This need to avoid clothing that could have been worn throughout the day also extends to T-shirts; you'll need to lose those as fast as your surfer shorts. If a dead whale should wash up on the shores of the British coast, the head belongs to the King, the tail belongs to the Queen, and the bones will go to the making of her corset, an antiquated British law reads. But PALEEZE can we get on with it? Or, more precisely, the city of Sevilla. After vandals used chewing gum to mess with the Mass Rapid Transit system and the Housing and Development Board spent $150,000 a year to clean gum liter, Singapore banned all gum substances in 1992. 2. Technically, the full 1872 law mandates people not be drunk when in charge of a cow, horse, carriage or steam engine. Street sellers are everywhere in Colombia selling a wealth of weird and wonderful objects, just for less than a dollar, you can rent a pre-1999 mobile to make calls, known locally as buying minutes. Keep in mind, that this is just the way they talk to each other no matter if youre a foreigner or a local. Flirting with the "eyes or hands" is illegal in San Antonio, Texas. In Victoria, Australia, it's been illegal to fly a kite since 1966. This law was put forward to protect hibernating bears since tourists would waltz into the dens and disturb the animals' seasonal slumber. 3 . Just about everywhere you go, there are laws against speeding or shoplifting, laws regulating the purchase and consumption of alcohol and zoning laws that dictate what kind of building you can construct where. Don't even think about dying inside the Houses of Parliament, or you'll actually, we don't really know what the consequences for this crime would be. Well, it was really just too American. Article 6 of the Civil Code: The bees that flee a hive and come to rest in a tree that is not owned by their previous owner, return to a state of nature and liberty, and anyone may seize them for their honeycomb, as long as they have the permission of the owner of the land upon which they rest. Thanks Angela. Enjoy your weekend. The Cao Cristales river in Colombia get transformed every year into a liquid rainbow, full of incredible bright colours, clashing against the grey rocks, highlighted by the crystal blue waters. Everyone has called him mono. I came to believe if someone did not know your name, they simply called you mono.. Australians aren't the only ones who are apparently opposed to flying a kite. We know that people in different states have very different opinions on how certain foods should be eatenjust look at the country's wild variety of sandwich . I was out wandering with a friend on Haad Rin Beach, Koh Phangan Island, when we ran into a local walking his pet monkey. Colombian Constitutional Law: Leading Cases by Manuel Jos Cepeda Espinosa and David Landau Call Number: KHH2921 .C438 2017 ISBN: 9780190640361 Published/Created: 2017 The following resources have been created or curated by the Law Library of Congress related to this nation. My state of mind changed a lot since I traveled and now live in Colombia. Colombians tend to drink coffee all day long. Until 1215, even being accused of a crime resulted in the punishment of enduring an ordeal that revealed a person's innocence or guilt. The voluntary tip in restaurants in Colombia is currently about 10 percent. And you end up going in circles. A 2014 law in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan states undergarments must be made with a minimum of 6 percent of cotton. In addition to documents, many of the links below retrieve results from online databases and catalogs or collections of legal materials maintained by the Law Library. LOL! this isnt just a Colombian thing. It's not the only wackadoodle law that still exists in the States. If not, you could be fined up to $10,000 and even spend up to two years in jail if you interrupt a wedding. Every few years, articles describing "strange but true laws in each state" make the rounds on social media. 1. Forgot to enjoy the food, the kindness of the people, the music, the beautiful places, the paisa culture, the beautiful landscapes, the fauna and the flora or rather lost the coming to COLOMBIA and my beautiful land. Sounds fishy, but it's true. In fact, you cannot even play a game in a public place if it annoys someone else. We understand that stuff gets everywhere!